Dorothy Agnes PARDEY
Forename(s): Dorothy Agnes
Surname: PARDEY
HousewifeDate of birth: 1909 (approx., calculated)
Date of death: 27 Apr 1946
Date of burial: 1 May 1946
Ceremony by: Rev Royds
Age at death: 37 years
Address: 22 Clifford Street, Newport
Died at: Frank James Hospital, Cowes
Section: H Consecrated - Cemetery map
Plot No: 108 Section map of plotsBurial Register entry: Newport 4827
IWCP - 4 May 1946 - DEATHS - PARDEY. - April 27, at Frank James Hospital, Dorothy Agnes, the beloved wife of Edward (Ted), and devoted mother of Ken, of 22 Clifford-street, Newport, aged 37 years.
Newport Cemetery
Image by: Tony Barton
Transcription by: Tony Barton