MoD Roll of Honour

This list identifies those UK Service personnel buried in the cemeteries who are recorded on the Ministry of Defence Roll of Honour - ie those who died while in service after 1947 (includes Palestine 1945-47)..

9 individual found
Surname Forename(s) Age   Death Cemetery  
ADAMSKeith Frederick20y 19 May 1957CarisbrookeView record notes marker
ARNOLDHarold William21y 14 Oct 1959St Paul'sView record notes marker
HILLPeter Anthony22y 10 Aug 1953CarisbrookeView record notes marker
MUFFDavid John23y 8 Feb 1951CarisbrookeView record notes marker
PAYNEDesmond Alec23y 21 Apr 1961CarisbrookeView record
POWERJoan Mary20y 30 Mar 1959NewportView record notes marker
RANNJohn Stanley37y 24 Jan 1999CarisbrookeView record
WARNEWilliam Charles John23y 22 Aug 1960CarisbrookeView record notes marker
YOUNGLeslie George24y 9 Sep 1955St Paul'sView record notes marker