Forename(s): Herbert

Surname: RADLEIN

   Apprentice Butcher

Date of birth: 1942 (approx., calculated)

Date of death: 19 Jun 1960

Date of burial: 24 Jun 1960

Ceremony by:  Rev L J D Wheatley

Age at death: 18 years

Address: 11 High Street, Wootton

Died at: St Mary's Hospital, Newport

Section: I  Consecrated - Cemetery map

Plot No: 113  Section map of plots

    See others in this section

Burial Register entry: Newport   5589

IWCP - 25 June 1960 - "..An 18-year-old youth [Herbert Radlein] was killed in an accident on the Military Road, at Chilton Chine on Sunday, when the motor-cycle on which he was riding pillion was involved in a collision with a van...."

Also on this marker:

   Charles Frank CHAMBERS

   Kate Anna Marie CHAMBERS

   Franks Charles CHAMBERS

Also in this plot:

   Charles Frank CHAMBERS

Newport Cemetery


Image by: Tony Barton