Dorothy Ruby Alice DYER

Forename(s): Dorothy Ruby Alice

Surname: DYER


Date of birth: 1893 (approx., calculated)

Date of death: 6 Feb 1970

Date of burial: 12 Feb 1970

Ceremony by:  Rev Father Reeve

Age at death: 77 years

Address: 25 George Street, Newport

Section: H  Consecrated - Cemetery map

Plot No: 114  Section map of plots

    See others in this section

Burial Register entry: Newport   6080

Also on this marker:


   Leslie Wilfred GREENWOOD

   Donald Mark GREENWOOD

   Douglas Frederick James GREENWOOD

   Bruce Edward GREENWOOD

   Ronald Arthur GREENWOOD

Also in this plot:


   Leslie Wilfred GREENWOOD

   Donald Mark GREENWOOD

Newport Cemetery

Dorothy Ruby Alice DYER

Image by: Tony Barton


Loving Memory
March Greenwood
who died 21st Oct. 1945
aged 61
also his wife
Dorothy Ruby Alice
who died 6th Feb. 1970
aged 77
and their sons
Leslie Wilfred Greenwood
who died 19th Dec. 1986
aged 64
R.I.P Dad
Donald Mark Greenwood
who died 17th June 2014
aged 83

Separate plaque:
Also in loving memory of three other
sons whose remains lie elsewhere
Douglas Frederick James
Died 9th May 1921
Ronald Arthur
Died 3rd September 1979
Bruce Edward
Died 9th July 2011

Transcription by: Tony Barton