John William MILLGATE

Forename(s): John William


   Retired Architect

Date of birth: 1897 (approx., calculated)

Date of death: 20 Sep 1977

Date of burial: 28 Oct 1977

Ceremony by:  Rev Potts

Age at death: 80 years

Address: 89 Castle Road, Newport

Section: B  Unconsecrated - Cemetery map

Plot No: 408  Section map of plots

    See others in this section

Burial Register entry: Newport   6328

Cremated remains

   Further notes

Also on this marker:

   Grace Outridge MILLGATE

   John Curtis MILLGATE

   Christabella Harriet MILLGATE

   Grace Bessie Blanch MILLGATE

Also in this plot:

   Grace Outridge MILLGATE

   John Curtis MILLGATE

   Christabella Harriet MILLGATE

   Grace Bessie Blanch MILLGATE

Newport Cemetery

John William MILLGATE

Image by: Tony Barton


Triple plinth with cross
South-east face - top tier

middle tier
Loving Memory of
Grace Outridge Millgate
who passed away April 7th 1903
Aged 34 Years

bottom tier
heaven and home
what joys are lost, what hopes are given,
He thro' this death-struck world we roam;
we dream awhile that home is heaven
we find at length that heaven is home.

North-east face - top tier

middle tier
Loving Memory of
John Curtis Millgate
who passed away June 19th 1956
Aged 89 Years

bottom tier
Also of John William
Dearest Son of Grace & John MILLGATE
who passed away 2oth September 1977,
Aged 80 Years

North-west face -top tier

middle tier
Loving memory of
Christabella Harriet
eldest daughter of the above parents

bottom tier
who passed to rest October 8th 1974.
Aged 75 Years
Rest in Peace

South-west face - middle tier
In Loving Memory of
Grace Bessie Millgate
youngest daughter daughter of the above
parents who died on the
19th November 1988 aged 85
Rest in Peace

Transcription by: Cherry Farley & Kate MacDonell