Albert Henry CARBIN
Forename(s): Albert Henry
Surname: CARBIN
RetiredDate of birth: 1916 (approx., calculated)
Date of death: 3 Jan 1986
Date of burial: 9 Jan 1986
Ceremony by: Rev Buckett
Age at death: 70 years
Address: 27 Home Meade, Newport
Died at: Royal IW County Hospital, Ryde
Section: F Consecrated - Cemetery map
Plot No: 122 Section map of plotsBurial Register entry: Newport 6525
Also on this marker:
Also in this plot:
Newport Cemetery
Image by: Tony Barton
InLoving Memory
A devoted
Father and Mother
who died 3. 1. 86
aged 70 years
who died 23. 11. 01
aged 79 years
Forever in our thoughts
Transcription by: Tony Barton