Edward Andrew John HADDEN

Forename(s): Edward Andrew John

Surname: HADDEN


Date of birth: 1911 (approx., calculated)

Date of death: 1 Jan 1987

Date of burial: 7 Jan 1987

Ceremony by:  Rev A Andrews

Age at death: 76 years

Address: 42 Fairlee Road, Newport

Died at: St Mary's Hospital, Newport

Section: F  Consecrated - Cemetery map

Plot No: 95  Section map of plots

    See others in this section

Burial Register entry: Newport   6556

Also on this marker:

   Edith Linda HADDEN

Also in this plot:

   Edith Linda HADDEN

Newport Cemetery

Edward Andrew John HADDEN

Image by: Tony Barton


Edward Linda
1 Jan 1987 17 Apr 2013
Aged 76 Age 99
Deep in our hearts
your memories are kept
to love, cherish and
never forget

Transcription by: Tony Barton