Betherney Susan McINNES

Forename(s): Betherney Susan

Surname: McINNES

   Parents unemployed

Date of birth: 10 Jul 1989

Date of death: 12 Nov 1989

Date of burial: 22 Nov 1989

Ceremony by:  Canon Buckett

Age at death: 4 months

Address: 44 Highfield Road, Newport

Died at: St Mary's Hospital, Newport

Section: F  Consecrated - Cemetery map

Plot No: 214 (foot)  Section map of plots

    See others in this section

Burial Register entry: Newport   6606

Newport Cemetery

Betherney Susan McINNES

Image by: Tony Barton


In Loving Memory
Born 10.7.89
Died 12.11.89
A tiny flower lent,
given to bud on earth
and bloom in heaven.

Transcription by: Tony Barton