Forename(s): Martha

Surname: GIBBINS


Date of birth: 1841 (approx., calculated)

Date of death: 1 Nov 1932

Date of burial: 4 Nov 1932

Ceremony by:  Rev Askwith

Age at death: 91 years

Address: 69 Elm Grove, Newport

Section: D - Cemetery map

Plot No: 1889a  Section map of plots

    See others in this section

Burial Register entry: Carisbrooke   9810

Isle of Wight County Press - 5 November 1932 - DEATHS - GIBBINS. - Nov. 1, All Saints' Day, at 69 Elmp-grove, Newport, Martha Gibbins, the dearly-loved mother of Annie Jones, aged 91 years.

Carisbrooke Cemetery


Image by: Tony Barton