Brian (otherwise Walter Brian) NASBY

Forename(s): Brian (otherwise Walter Brian)

Surname: NASBY


Date of birth: 1931

Date of death: 2014

Date of burial: 26 Jun 2014

Ceremony by:  Rev. Kevin Arkell

Age at death: 82 years

Address: 7 Redver Gardens, Newport

Section: F  Consecrated - Cemetery map

Plot No: 118  Section map of plots

    See others in this section

Burial Register entry: Newport   6920

Also on this marker:

   June Veronica NASBY

Also in this plot:

   June Veronica NASBY

Newport Cemetery

Brian (otherwise Walter Brian) NASBY

Image by: Tony Barton


Left side:
June Veronica
1932 - 1984
Aged 51 Years
of you always
Janice, Lynda,
Richard & me

Right side:
Walter Brian
1931 - 2014
Much loved
Dad, Grandad,
& GG
Reunited with Mum
Lets play
among the stars

Transcription by: Tony Barton