Forename(s): Mary Ann
Surname: KENDALL
Widow of Lieut. Edward N. Kendall and eldest daughter of the late Joseph Kay Esq.Date of birth: 1808 (approx., calculated)
Date of death: 25 Feb 1869
Date of burial: 27 Feb 1869
Age at death: 61 years
Address: Kensington, Middlesex
Section: D6
Grave marker No: 185 Plan of sectionsPortsmouth Times and Naval Gazette - 27 February 1869 - DEATHS - On the 23rd inst., at 20, Arundel-gardens, Notting-hill, the residence of her eldest son, Mary Anne, widow of the late Lieutenant Edward Nicolas Kendall, R.N., aged 61.
Also on this marker:
Carisbrooke, St Mary's Churchyard
Image by: Tony Barton
Edward Nicholas KendallLieut. Royal Navy
son of Capt. Edward Kendall
of Pelyn House County of Cornwall,
one of Vancouvier officers and grandson of
Admiral Hicks, both of whom were well
known for their services during the last war
For his zeal, energy and scientific attainments
in early years he was engaged by the North
Sea Survey in the trigonometrical survey on the coast
of Iceland and also at the Cape de Herds on the coast of Africa. He was an excellent astronomer
and his hydrographical attainment few could excel. Combined with urbanity? and benevolance of disposition caused him to be generally beloved and admired.
Employed upon particular and
arduous services, he was selected on one of the Polar Expeditions with Capt. G.F. Lyons, and on
the land Arctic Expedition under Sir John Franklin, and associated with Doctor Richardson in the discovery and survey of the Arctic Sea between the Mackenzie and copper mine rivers.
Also chosen for scientific researches in the Equatorial and South Polar regions under Capt. H. Foster in the Chanticleer and subsequently
appointed on a secret and confidential mission connected with the boundary line between the United States
and British possessions in South America.
Erected by the officers and men of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. a
testimonial of respect to the memory of the late Lieut E.N. Kendall RN. their superintendant at
Southampton, his remains rest beneath this column 4 August 1845.
Restored and enlarged by his three sons 1868.
Born 3 October 1800, died
Southampton 12 February 1845
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from ..
saith the
Spirit, that then may rest from their labours and their works do follow them.
Here also lie the remains of the widow Mary Ann Kendall
eldest daughter of the late Joseph Kay Esq. Architect,
who entered into rest 25 February 1869 age 61
years. Her children ... blessed.
Transcription by: Tony Barton