Robert COLE

Forename(s): Robert

Surname: COLE

   [Retired farmer]

Date of birth: 1817 (approx., calculated)

Date of death: 12 Jul 1901

Date of burial: 16 Jul 1901

Age at death: 84 years

Address: Terrace Road

Isle of Wight County Press - 13 July 1901 - NEWPORT - DEATH OF MR ROBERT COLE. - The death occurred yesterday (Friday) of a well-known and much-esteemed resident in the person of Mr. Robert Cole, who had reached the advanced age of 84. The deceased gentleman, who was well known in the Island, belonged to an old agricultural family and was formerly identified with the trade of the town. In politics he was an ardent Conservative and years ago actively exerted himself in the interests of his party.

Isle of Wight County Press – 20 July 1901 – NEWPORT – THE FUNERAL – of the late Mr. Robert Cole took place on Tuesday afternoon, the remains being interred at St. John’s Churchyard. The first portion of the service took place in the church, the Vicar (the Rev. J. R. Edwards) officiating. The mourners attending were Messrs. R. and J. E. Cole (sons), Miss Cole (daughter), Mr. W. H. Dawson (brother-in-law), Messrs. R. Lock and J. Lock (nephews), and Messrs. S. D. Caws, J. D. Self, T. Self. S. Dawson, G. Self, and W. Weeks. There were a number of beautiful floral tributes, including one from the Newport Conservative Association, of which deceased was a member. Mr. Dyer was the undertaker.

St John's Churchyard

no image for St Johns graves