Sheila Jean POWELL

Forename(s): Sheila Jean

Surname: POWELL


Date of birth: 13 Mar 1933

Date of death: 23 Jan 2015

Date of burial: 16 Feb 2015

Ceremony by:  Rev. Kevin Arkell

Age at death: 81 years

Address: 7 Clarendon Place, Newport

Died at: Orchard Nursing Home, Fairlee Road, Newport

Section: F  Consecrated - Cemetery map

Plot No: 161  Section map of plots

    See others in this section

Burial Register entry: Newport   6926

Also on this marker:

   John Andrew COOLEY

   Robert Harold POWELL

Also in this plot:

   John Andrew COOLEY

   Robert Harold POWELL

Newport Cemetery

Sheila Jean POWELL

Image by: Tony Barton