James READ

Forename(s): James

Surname: READ


Date of birth: 1784 (approx., calculated)

Date of death: 19 Mar 1869

Date of burial: 21 Mar 1869

Age at death: 85 years

Address: St Thomas Square, Parish of Newport

Section: C  Unconsecrated - Cemetery map

Plot No: 25  Section map of plots

    See others in this section

Burial Register entry: Newport   751

Hampshire Advertiser - 27 March 1869 - Deaths - On the 19th instant, at the Wheat Sheaf Inn, St. Thomas's-square, Newport, Mr. James Read, aged 85.IW OBSERVER 27 MARCH 1869. THE LATE MR. JAMES READ-The funeral of this well-known and respected gentleman took place at the Newport Cemetery on Sunday last. His remains were followed to the grave by about 40 members of the Hand-in-Hand Society, with which the deceased had been connected ever since its establishment 50 years ago.

Newport Cemetery

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