Louisa WHITE

Forename(s): Louisa

Surname: WHITE

   Wife of (?John?) [Charles] White, Tailor

Date of birth: 1846 (approx., calculated)

Date of death: 3 Feb 1911

Date of burial: 7 Feb 1911

Age at death: 65 years

Address: Quay Street, Parish of Newport

Section: C  Unconsecrated - Cemetery map

Plot No: 41  Section map of plots

    See others in this section

Burial Register entry: Newport   3248

Isle of Wight County Press, 11 February 1911 - DEATHS - DEATH - WHITE. - On the 3rd inst., at 12 Quay-street, Newport, Louisa, the beloved wife of Charles White, aged 65 years.

Newport Cemetery

no image for this grave