Elizabeth St JOHN
Forename(s): Elizabeth
Surname: St JOHN
Wife of John St John, Lodging House KeeperDate of birth: 1833 (approx., calculated)
Date of death: 23 Sep 1891
Date of burial: 25 Sep 1891
Age at death: 58 years
Address: Lorne Villa, Parish of Freshwater
Section: B Consecrated - Cemetery map
Plot No: 556 Section map of plotsBurial Register entry: Newport 2260
IWCP-26 SEPTEMBER 1891. DEATH OF MRS ST. JOHN. We are sorry to record the death of Mrs. John St. John, of 2 Lorne-villas, which took place on Wednesday morning, after a very short illness. Mrs St. John was seized by an apoplectic stroke on Monday night and did not regain consciousness, and she passed quietly away. She was one of the oldest residents of Freshwater Bay, having lived at Lorne-villas for 20 years, and was much respected. Every condolence is expressed for the sorrowing friends. The funeral took place yesterday (Friday) at Newport Cemetery, the body having been conveyed to the family vault by road. The service was impressively conducted by the Rev. Clement Smith, vicar of Newport.