John Henry READ

Forename(s): John Henry

Surname: READ


Date of birth: 1824 (approx., calculated)

Date of death: 8 Feb 1895

Date of burial: 10 Feb 1895

Age at death: 71 years

Address: Church Litten, Parish of Newport

Section: E  Consecrated - Cemetery map

Plot No: 605  Section map of plots

    See others in this section

Burial Register entry: Newport   2460

IWCP - 9 February 1895 - Newport - SUDDEN DEATH. - Yesterday morning John Henry Keed [sic], 72, a travelling chair-mender, living alone in Church-litten, was found dead in bed by Mrs. Hiscock. The circumstances were reported to the Coroner, who did not consider an inquest necessary.

Also in this plot:

   stillborn child HAYWARD

Newport Cemetery

no image for this grave