James LONG
Forename(s): James
Surname: LONG
Stone dresserDate of birth: 1823 (approx., calculated)
Date of death: 1 May 1895
Date of burial: 14 May 1895
Age at death: 72 years
Address: Lugley Street, Parish of Newport
Section: D Consecrated - Cemetery map
Plot No: 68 Section map of plotsBurial Register entry: Newport 2481
ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY PRESS-18 MAY 1895.FORESTER'S FUNERAL.Our obituary column last week contained the announcement of the death of Mr James Long,of Lugley Street,father of Councillor Long,and one of the oldest local Foresters,his name standing third on the membership roll of Court Island Foresters.The deceased,who had reached the age of 72,was a popular Forester and a respected townsman.The funeral took place on Tuesday at Newport Cemetery,the Vicar (Rev.H.E.Sharpe)officiating.The mourners included Councillor Long,Messrs A Long (Ryde)and J Doel (Warminster)nephews of the deceased,Mr J.Woodnutt,and Mr J.Redstone,and the following representatives of the Foresters:Bros.Obed Jackman,S.C.R.,A.C.Villar,P.C.R.,C.Russell,P.S.W.,C.Eldridge,J.B.and E.Peek,P.C.R.Bro.Jackman read the Forester's funeral service at the grave.The coffin was covered with beautiful floral mementoes from sorrowing relatives and friends,including the follwing "From George";"In loving memory of my dear father"from Fanny;"A tribute of respect and esteem,with deep sympathy,Mr and Mrs J.Woodnutt";"True sympathy.To the memory of an old friend.From Mrs J.Pattison";"With deep sympathy,from Mr and Mrs J.Doel";"With Mr and Mrs C.Osborne and family's deepest sympathy";"In affectionate remembrance from Mildred"Much sympathy is felt for the family of the deceased in their bereavement.