15, 15a and 16, Holyrood Street, Newport
Listed grade: Grade 2
Year listed: 1972
Description: C18 2 storeys purple grey headers with red brick dressings. Gable end old tile roof, 3 dormers, dentil wood eaves cornice, inlaid red brick string course. 3 windows, recessed, sash, glazing bars, block sills.
3 bays windows on 1st floor of 3 lights, sash, glazing bars in upper half Nos 15 and 16, plain strips frieze and cornice. No 15 has reeded pilasters to wall, panelled aprons. No 15 has recessed door of 6 fielded panels, semi-circular fanlight and red brick arch over.
No 15A retains the frame of a contemporary shop front: panelled door with a rectangular fanlight, cornice over the whole. No 16 has a recessed panelled door with doorcase of Doric pilasters and projecting cornice, small rectangular shop window with glazing bars, cornice above.
(Details from https://historicengland.org.uk/)