2, Miller's Lane, Carisbrooke
Listed grade: Grade 2
Year listed: 1972
Description: Originally 2 C18 cottages, now one. 2 storeys and lean to of flint with red brick quoins, and red brick band between storeys. 3 windows, recessed casements with glazing bars. Modern door and porch and mid C19 door of 4 fielded panels, recessed, hood over. Gable end slate roof. C18 refaced with painted brick and stucco in early C19. 2 storeys. Hipped roof, projecting eaves. Lions heads studding guttering. 2 windows to west front, recessed sash, glazing bars intact on 1st floor. Ground floor windows have moulded wood frames, block sills. Fretted blind cases to 1st floor. One window north front, moulded wood frames and glazing bars. Tent roofed verandah on plain cast iron colunms to north and west sides.
(Details from https://historicengland.org.uk/)