4, Crocker Street, Newport

Listed grade: Grade 2

Year listed: 1972

Description: Early C19 designed in conjunction with No 3 with same old tile roof.
2 storeys stucco. Archway through both storeys leading to stable courtyard with living accommodation of 2 storeys in red brick to the east, stabling to the south ad store-rooms to the west. Camber headed sash windows with glazing bars, double hatches and double ground floor door with plain doorcase and rectangular fanlight. On the street front the archway is flanked by broad pilaster strips with banded rustication and. plain pilaster strips flank the side portions. Originally as with No 3 there its a cornice and parapet with a pediment over the archway (Photograph in NMR). To the street the store-rooms have narrow rectangular windows on ground floor, lunette shaped on first floor with ornamental cast iron grilles.

Comments: IWCP 11 February 1978, p 11 -application by W. Hurst and Sons Ltd to demolish refused by Medina Borough Council and that decision upheld by Department of the Environment.

Appears demolished pre 2020

(Details from https://historicengland.org.uk/)

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