Butterflies to look out for in June
Holly blue, small blue and small heath butterflies should still be on the wing but as the month progresses, they will be joined by other species. Further details about each can be found by clicking on the links.
The common blue (Polyommatus icarus) butterfly is widespread in Britain and Ireland and has two generations. It is usually on the wing from mid-May to mid-June and again from late July to mid-September. Its caterpillars feed on common bird’s-foot trefoil.
Meadow brown (Maniola jurtina) butterflies have a long flight period from June to September. They are found in unfertilised grassland and woodland rides throughout lowland Britain. The caterpillars feed on a variety of grasses. The adult is often seen nectaring on creeping thistle.
Marbled whites (Melanargia galathea) are found on dry unfertilised grasslands in southern England. They have one generation (June to August) and the caterpillars feed on red fescue grass. Adults are often seen on plants with purple flowers such as knapweeds and thistles.
Large skipper (Ochlodes venata) butterflies are widespread in England and Wales on rough grassland have one generation, on the wing In June and July. The food plants of the caterpillar include cock’s-foot grass.
Pictures with thanks: © K. Marston