Annie Emily Mary PARDOE

Forename(s): Annie Emily Mary

Surname: PARDOE


Date of birth: 1903

Date of death: 1967

Date of burial: Sep 1967

Age at death: 63 years

Address: 351 High Street, North Manor Park E12

Died at: London Brentwood Annexe Hospital

Section: G  Consecrated - Cemetery map

Plot No: 49  Section map of plots

    See others in this section

Burial Register entry: Newport   6001

Cremated remains

Also on this marker:

   Rose Ellen KNAPP

   John Edward PARDOE

Also in this plot:

   Rose Ellen KNAPP

   John Edward PARDOE

Newport Cemetery

Annie Emily Mary PARDOE

Image by: Tony Barton


John Edward
27.5.1927 ~ 15.4.2005
Gone from us
but not

In Memory Of
Rose Ellen Knapp
1857 ~ 1939
Annie Emily Mary
1903 ~ 1967

Transcription by: Tony Barton