Rose Ellen KNAPP
Forename(s): Rose Ellen
Surname: KNAPP
Widow [of Edward Knapp]Date of birth: 1857
Date of death: 1939
Date of burial: 8 May 1939
Ceremony by: Rev W M B Hogg
Age at death: 88 years
Address: 90a High Street, Newport
Section: G Consecrated - Cemetery map
Plot No: 49 Section map of plotsBurial Register entry: Newport 4491
IWCP - 13 May 1939 - NEWPORT - Obituary. - The death took place on Friday week of Mrs. Rose Ellen Knapp, widow of Mr. E. Knapp, of 90a High-street. The deceased, who was 88 years of age, had suffered a long and painful illness, borne with characteristic patience. She leaves five daughters, a son, 17 grandchildren, and 20 great-grandchildren.
Also on this marker:
Also in this plot:
Newport Cemetery
Image by: Tony Barton
John EdwardPardoe
27.5.1927 ~ 15.4.2005
Gone from us
but not
In Memory Of
Rose Ellen Knapp
1857 ~ 1939
Annie Emily Mary
1903 ~ 1967
Transcription by: Tony Barton