Index of Individuals - names beginning B

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2876 individual found

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SurnameForename(s)birth (approx)death (Burial)Cemetery 
BRIANTstill-born1870 1870CarisbrookeView record
BRICEIvy Beatrice1896 1939CarisbrookeView record gravemarker
BRICKNELLAlberta Jane1864 1941NewportView record gravemarker
BRICKNELLArchibald Walter1886 1891CarisbrookeView record gravemarker
BRICKNELLCecil George1895 1896CarisbrookeView record gravemarker
BRICKNELLEliza1836 1898CarisbrookeView record
BRICKNELLEmily1864 1891CarisbrookeView record
BRICKNELLGeorge1862 1920NewportView record gravemarker
BRICKNELLJohn1834 1867CarisbrookeView record
BRICKNELLJohn1859 1932CarisbrookeView record
BRICKNELLLilian Ethel1888 1935NewportView record grave and notes marker
BRICKNELLSarah Ann1860 1934CarisbrookeView record
BRIDGERArthur Vernon1884 1930CarisbrookeView record
BRIDGERFlorence Ann1881 1972CarisbrookeView record
BRIDGER-SAGEDavid George1885 1956CarisbrookeView record gravemarker
BRIDGER-SAGEFlorence Amy1880 1975CarisbrookeView record gravemarker
BRIDGER-SAGEMavis Mary1912 1991CarisbrookeView record gravemarker
BRIDGER-SAGEStanley William1917 2000CarisbrookeView record gravemarker
BRIDGESJames Hugh1857 1930CarisbrookeView record gravemarker
BRIDGESMary1863 1941CarisbrookeView record
BRIDGEWATEREdith Annie1871 1941CarisbrookeView record gravemarker
BRIDGEWATERHenry John1865 1952CarisbrookeView record gravemarker
BRIDLEFrederick James1874 1948St Paul'sView record
BRIDLEMinnie Rose1877 1954St Paul'sView record
BRIGDENAnnie Elizabeth1874 1959CarisbrookeView record
BRIGGSArthur1874 1883CarisbrookeView record
BRIGGSEmily1893 1952NewportView record
BRIGGSGeorge1867 1945St Paul'sView record
BRIGGSGeorge Joseph1873 1880CarisbrookeView record
BRIGGSHenry Charles1865 1958NewportView record gravemarker
BRIGGSLouisa1820 1871NewportView record gravemarker
BRIGGSLouisa1868 1954NewportView record gravemarker
BRIGGSMary Jane1858 1940CarisbrookeView record
BRIGGSThomas1824 1869NewportView record gravemarker
BRIGHTAlfred George1888 1888CarisbrookeView record
BRIGHTAnn1812 1888CarisbrookeView record gravemarker
BRIGHTCatherine1797 1865CarisbrookeView record
BRIGHTEllen Rose1873 1953CarisbrookeView record gravemarker
BRIGHTKatherine Louisa1875 1938CarisbrookeView record gravemarker
BRIGHTKathleen1851 1887CarisbrookeView record gravemarker
BRIGHTMildred Kate1880 1961CarisbrookeView record
BRIGHTNorah Mary1855 1872NewportView record gravemarker
BRIGHTSarah Ann1847 1872NewportView record gravemarker
BRIGHTSarah Ann1843 1933CarisbrookeView record
BRIGHTWilliam1815 1900CarisbrookeView record notes marker
BRIGHTWilliam Lyon1872 1959CarisbrookeView record grave and notes marker
BRIGHTWilliam Toomer1843 1920CarisbrookeView record notes marker
BRIMLEYHarry Richard1867 1884NewportView record gravemarker
BRIMSDONWilliam1850 1924CarisbrookeView record
BRIMSONAudrey Elisabeth1934 1990CarisbrookeView record

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